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Gina Haspel --> How Gina Learned She Had a Male Alter

How Gina Learned She Had a Male Alter


Dec. 26, 2020

Clones targeting clones targeting clones. This looks like the work of Gina Haspels clone 6 orchestrating clone 4 who then humiliated clone 2. Who’s phone call did I overhear? Perhaps it was Gina’s clone 2, telling her ex Jeff Haspel that she has a male alter. Which one of her clones already knew this information?

Our Epsilon was very intuitive and even in her traumatized state felt as though the John alter was attracted to her. She then wondered if Gina was gay. Then our boy alter fronted and thought about the issue. He wondered that since he was also a male alter in a female body, perhaps Gina also had a male alter. 3yr: Then we found some photos of her online and made her an MK ULTRA ID card and taped it on our wall… cuz everybody looked at what was on my wall.


Spiritual deception tech

For deflection from the name Gina Haspel, she gave us a false spiritual experience when we learned that her male alter liked the name John, so we started calling him that. Most of our dirt-intel was on the male alters who were most cruel. I think it was shortly after this that he started watching his dick on imaging. Over the years he’d felt himself getting erections but never knew why. I think learning that he was a male explained some things.



I think it was Gina’s theta on clone 5 or 6 that had me raped a month shy of turning 4, on the day that my mother was in the hospital giving birth to her 3rd child. Rapes usually produce an alter of an opposite gender. She targeted my parents from having appropriate babysitters and my 2 year old brother and I were left with a 16 year old male babysitter that she then gave hatred-builder tech to. When will that family be exonerated? Who will tell my sister that her birthday is __ ? Our guru said that Gina then got a male alter also because of this. I don’t think I was the only child she had raped. [acts of intentional cruelty].



our boy alter was the one that then humiliated her to “death.” Our host that she forced through Psychology to be “just like her” [maybe she had a “mother complex” over me?] then humiliated her severely. Most therapists do internal work so they don’t project onto their clients. (Gina’s theta, clone 5 or 6). Having a male alter made it much easier to survive many of the Military experiences – from dealing with Clone 6 targeting to then Humiliating them to death. Our boy had the best interactions with the “good” Military guys as more of the clones were eliminated.


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