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Disney --> Disney= MK ULTRA

Disney = MK ULTRA


April 19, 2020

The Disney Corporation makes money off of the tortures of innocent lives. Why is this shocking? Because they use something known as Illusory energies (technology + white magic) to mask their entire corporation, from the parks and rides, to the movies and games. “Making evil look good” is essential what it does.  So where does the torture aspect come into play? This is known as MK ULTRA: a military mind control method.


This is the bottom line of what MK Ultra Mind Control programming is all about. People, often young children, are subjected to extreme amounts of physical, mental, emotional pains and torments until their psyche fractures into a metal condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. What MK Ultra does is encase the separate alters behind strong amnesia walls and embeds specific words, phrases, or hand gestures that would be used to bring certain alters to the front for specific reasons or purposes. This is the control aspect: the person is at the complete mercy of their Handler or Programmer, the one with the access codes to all their various alters. Each individual can have many alters; they have no memory of what your other alters would do with your physical body. You essentially become 2 or more people that share the same body. The helplessness of this mind control method is extreme.


Due to the nature of wanting absolute control of a person, MK Ultra’s also have Omega and Gamma programming. These are self-destruct (suicide) and embedded entities which provide misdirection and confusion, respectively. This is done to avoid detection and is usually activated or triggered if therapy is begun or too much memory is recalled. Therefore, specific therapeutic methods for recovery are essential for MK’s.


MK Ultra mind control was brought to the U.S. via project Paperclip; Nazi scientists who kept long graphs and lists of how much suffering the human body can be subjected to before dyeing. Many early experiments into MK Ultra included the use of excessive amounts of LSD, hypnotism, shock treatments, confinements, and other such horrific experiences. Please never take what I say at face value but take due diligence to research everything about this that seems unbelievable. The sad truth is that many people are suffering and they are forced to wear HAPPYFACE [page 32 in the Manuscript] so that evil can get away with it.


Beta programming is perhaps the most visible. People are forced into cages for 6-8 weeks until they dehumanize to the state of a feline. They are usually surrounded by kittens. Other methods of beta programming involve horrific sexual tortures of every imaginable kind, in order to break the will of the person. They then become completely obedient to the will of their handlers. MK Ultra has spread through out the world and manuals exists online called “how to create a total mind-controlled slave.” There are warehouses, barns, farms, and arenas being used locally to torture the men and women in our society.


Some beta indicators include: pink hair, leopard print clothing, red shoes, butterfly tattoos and crossed arms/legs posturing. Please see the document entitled MK Ultra indicators for more. We need to put an end to BETA PROGRAMMING, Beta Farms, Beta tortures…


There are many bulletins available on this website on how to: Identify MK Ultra Handlers, Learning to recognize and identify Beta Farms locally, our MK Ultra manual with lots of helpful information, and legal action templates for those who have been forced through MK Ultra programs. 


Most importantly, we need to raise awareness of the issue of MK Ultra programming with Corporate Lawyers due to the gross violations of human rights that is being carried out. One aspect of the mental controls involves “Muting” the slave so they are literally unable to speak up or ever defend themselves. Imagine the severe and excruciating pain you would have to be subjected to to internalize that belief “no one will believe me.” MK Ultra indicators are also listed in the bulletins. MK Ultra is essentially “invisible” enslavement of a person.


A concerned fellow citizen.

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