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The CIA --> Death-defiers --> Death defiers for Kids! :-)

For kid alters :-)  !!


We'll keep trying to add some notes so check back every once in a while. (refresh the page too).


Mon. Jan. 4, 2021

What’s a Death-defier?

Boy, 14?: Death-defier is something the CIA did to a bunch of people. They use anti-gravity craft and abduct people at night (or… in the day). Then there are hollow mountains with fusion things and they put you in a tube that you lay down in. They send electricity to you in the tube. (sometimes, they do this to turn people into frogs! – Meta morphs.). For death-defiers, I’m not sure about all the details but frog is important because it explains some things:


Don’t shower in hot-hot water. I think the “frog” setting makes us more cold blooded?

They make us not feel pain – sometimes I need to sit really close to the fire or heater and then my skin burns. Targeters sometimes do “frog in hot water” agenda to try to burn us cuz we don’t feel it as much.


After they put you in the tube they put you back in your home and memory wipe so you don’t remember. (I don’t remember either – people show me on imaging which is the forehead pictures. You probably get a lot of “pictures and words” which are just people, called Targeters, telling you things. You can ask them how their day is going of tell them “you were lied to about me; I’m a CIA death-defier.”  They suffer too but don’t know it. (CIA Supercomputer gives them base programming and lies to them).


Everyone gets base-programming from the CIA supercomputer; sometimes its good – when the police do it – but if the Supercomputer “Gina chip” does it, then it’s bad. You feel the energies in and around your body; sometimes they make you sad, mad, angry other other things.


Cool stuff

3yr: Lots of the nice military ones know how to kill the bad stuff so they’re doing that lots and lots now. That’s gross stuff that zeta ones drop on us (its all invisible so they don’t want us to talk about it) but we still feel it and see it and it’s gross. Those are black arts ones. Also, they kill a lot of the bad people now too so it’ll keep getting better :-).


Maybe you know the Shapeshifter ones too? The police killed them all with the laser on November 1, 2020. (that was so cool). Our older ones wrote more about those. All the really bad people at the CIA are dead now so it should get better.


Helpful things - Self-defense Wall

You can make a piece of paper with your name on it and have pictures of things you like. You can have it beside you or tape it to your wall where Targeters can read it. You can make a "Targeter wall" where you put up notes about true stuff about yourself. They watch on the eye-recorder device and other technology likes satellites.



Have a shower with a t-shirt on or in your underwear cuz they make videos of it.


Talk out loud

When you "talk out loud" tell the clones [its usually Clones that listen] that Gina Haspel

had $7 Trillion dollars and she lied to everyone.  (they usually stop torturing you.) 

Its why her own group killed her!


Food & Drink

coffee, or pop with caffeine, milk, jam, avocado or tomato are best. eat every 3 hours to

reduce the remote-drugging. If the black parts of your eyes look big in the mirror, go eat some food.



Nice Pictures

Have lots of nice pictures to look at. Sometimes because of the technology, it feels like you are petting the kitty! Or, if you look at a picture of a beach, you can feel your toes wiggle in the sand. :-)

(Spiritual-tech Experiences)



Because i think we all get the Yagnas now (Spiritual Protection remedy) sometimes what happens is that bad things they try to do to you with their technology goes backwards. Like, if they try to make you feel bad, they feel bad instead. Or, you hear words that they think and feel!


Targeters Names

Sometimes it's Russel and Wendy from the LDS church that do gross things. You can say hi! to them. (they dont like it that we know their names. LDS Zeta (bad ones) is what we call them. Then they leave.



Imaging (forehead screens)

you can make a document where you write down what you see on imaging (and maybe what the person says too!). They sometimes show you pictures of who they are so you can describe the person: dark haired lady on imaging said "oh Sh*t she can hear!" is what we sometimes do. Add the time and date. Also, you can ask them why they're showing you imaging. sometimes they leave.

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