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The CIA --> Death-defiers --> Divine Particles

Divine Particles


11:12pm thurs jan. 7,  2021 

Written by: 3yr + host


From the page: Divine Particles – Spontaneous Materialization and its analysis



We used to see these particles more before so… it was a surprise when we found some.

We had read about them on the pages of the Spiritual Science and Research Foundation

website. Some of the stories of the ashram seekers and other seekers finding them are neat.

One guy found a bunch in his journal; another found them in his vehicle when vacuuming.

Others find them when sweeping.


What’s good to do with them?

I think lots of death-defiers would be getting Divine Particles cuz the particles help to protect the body and probably do pain relief. The different colors mean different things too. I found a silver one and a gold one just now. I think Gold is related to issues of “time” and with all the time tech being used, it makes sense. In other years, we got lots of red ones. If you find some, keep them close to your body or where you spend a lot of time.


Particles vs Glitter

I collected the 2 I found in the dust pan and now they’re in my room somewhere. We used to keep them on our laptop or on our bodies. For a while we thought glitter was particles. Particles are way smaller than glitter and sometimes disappear after a few days.


*Yagnas may also allow for the spontaneous materliazation of particles because they add divine consciousness to the atmosphere (make the air nicer.)


Collecting Particles

I went to look around the house for more particles and was really surprised at how many there are. Me and mom cant clean much so maybe that’s part of the reason? The ones on the carpet you need a tiny needle or tweezers to pick out; some are maybe better left where they are. The ones on the swept floor were easier to pick up with a finger. I started to put some on a piece of felt fabric so I could have them in one spot. Some I’m not sure if they’re particles or not but kept them anyway.


As A Remedy

One simple method is to use the tiny particles from the dryer vent. Rub them on areas of the body that feel pain. When placed on the head, they reduce mental distress and make removing entities easier.



After I swept the floor, I came back to the pile 3 or 4 times and each time I found more! That was surprising but they really are very tiny and easily get lost in the dust. I wonder what recommended to do with them? Having them close to my body seems best. I wonder who found some too and what colors everybody has? :-)

“Drops” & Fake Divine Particles


7:32pm  Friday Jan. 7:32pm

3yr: to death-defiers (for relief and psychological peace…)

When you find the Divine Particles in your home, some of them are fake that chemical engineers make (for mind control uses and other negative agendas) that Targeters are then instructed to “drop.” Sometimes these are noticeable as they’re too big or not as lovely. How many other things have Targeters “dropped” on you? For me I noticed one guy did ants once in a while. Yesterday one guy “dropped” a tiny fruit fly… was it a meta human? [more is written on Drops on the Abduction tech page under Targeting tech].


Abduction-tech reverses into “drops” which can be positive, neutral, or negative. When you’re Targeted, you’re usually abducted-stolen from (have items gone missing) and get gross things dropped.” (This is an indicator of being a Targeted Individual). Things like bugs and insects are usually dropped near targets by kid alters using kid targeting software.


I think maybe some people in the CIA's evil network made some fake Divine Particles

that are being dropped on death-defiers and other people. (they have the technology

to make things like this) WHY? whats the agenda there? The chemical breakdown of

the authentic particles is written about on the Spiritual Science and Research Found-

ation website article called Scientific Analysis of Divine Particles . Why are Targeters

making fake particles? [the fake ones are too big; they’re going to reduce the size of

them now.]


Tips: real Divine Particles reduce in size after a day or two; are often very tiny and emit

a lovely light.


If you're able to use a truth-feature, please list all the functions and purposes of the Fake Divine Particles and remove/abduct and dispose of as many as possible. I'd like to know what that list all includes.

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