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Death-defier Websites

12:19pm Thurs Feb. 25, 2021

To the death-defiers:


Any death-defier can make a website; I’d love to read what you write about and everyone's situation is different and unique. Its helpful for me to have other's perspectives on the situation too. Some days are better/worse for some than for others. Some are also able to  receive the communications from AbbyPD so sharing some of that is helpful also. I learned this when one of the mirror-tech forms was active on me and I got some feedback on some things I was doing. Others new more about "the rules" than I do so that was helpful for me. (theta/host). I'm also most traumatized and lobotomized, & memory wiped so its most difficult for me to cope. My other alters wrote most of the content on the website and we're often made to look weird, crazy, mean, or other things.


When I started the MK ULTRA & targeting website it was really “rough” … obviously some of the content still needs editing but the progress its gone through over the span of a year has been interesting.


I should have taken some screen shots of what it was like initially cuz I forget what it looked like.  Ohhhh the homepage was just Microsoft Word documents, converted into JPEG format to avoid the data tampering & manipulating that was done. I would then upload like 3- 5ish JPEGS a day, just describing things that were being done to me. It turned into the “Disney Targeted Me” PDF (in the Disney Corp link). I don’t think I even had a menu bar then :P. everything we’ve written needs editing but it was a self-defense measure and at minimum got some information to some people. [It made the military do experiments with yagnas that lead to the end of the Shapeshifters.]


Anyone can write. Also, for those with artwork, it would be an amazing way to showcase your portfolio :-)  (epsilon). <blanking> I had an other idea…. Mental blanking tech…


  • describing some personal experiences

  • describing tech that’s used (on you and others when you feel the mirror-tech being active).

  • Epsilon things

  • AbbyPD communications

  • Artwork

  • Anything really…start with one thing and see how it goes…


Oh! And the wix platform is incredibly easy to use and I highly recommend it :D. (even for a death-defier :P)


Leave a link to your website in the comments :-)

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