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LDS church page

The L.D.S. Church


Aug 10, 2020 This information and everything learned about the LDS Church was a result of me being an unethical Epsilon Experiment of CIA Director Haspel who is MK ULTRA and has a horrifying male Zeta alter we compared to Stalin (See CIA drop down menu for more pages on that). He sent many individuals from many organizations/groups to Target me which is how I learned all the things presented on this website.


July 15, 2020 9:07pm


MK Ultra is done to all LDS congregation members (please learn as much about it as possible). These are just a couple examples. there are also a set of standard procedures done to individuals who have roles in prominent positions. These invovle clones, "body doubles," androids, and Non human replicas. Read more under the Militar drop down menu (hover). Learn more about the LDS church in the LDS church drop down menu (hover). All these pages on the LDS church are a defensive technique as I cannot survive the remote satellite tortures Eldar Bednar is subjecting me to. This is also known as Targeting and the T.I. phenomenon. Read more about Targeting in the T.I. link.

The L.D.S. Church Targeting Methods
Masons hide behind Mormons = MM
Zeta/Theta combinations


*adding*Please bear with me as I organize this section. Things can be updated & corrected.


*July 14, 2020 2:29pm - Please note: all information provided here is courtesy of LDS Elder Bednar, who's relentless and machevellian attacks on my life made it a necessity for LDS Church secrets to be revealed. Please prevents more loss of information and put 24/7 surveillance on him. His immediat arrest and conviction will end that issue.


6:07pm July 15, 2020

This information (all the pages in the drop-down LDS menu)  is being provided as a self-defense measure. I’m unable to stop LDS Elder Bednar from using remote satellite Targeting technology, also known as the T.I. phenomenon, on me. This information you can thank him personally for.  Please learn about MK Ultra and the T.I. phenomenon as both are done remotely via satellite technology to all LDS congregation members. Please view all the pages under the drop down LDS menus for more clarity and information. Elder Bednar should be questioned only when being subjected to "truth tech" which is deception tech in reverse. He's too deceitful otherwise.


BULLETIN FOR LDS MEMBERS (Word doc available in Bulletins link).


Tuesday May 12, 2020

You have been subjected to: MK ULTRA mind control via remote satellite capabilities. It was done to you from birth. It’s done to your children, your parents, and even your grandparents. You all have something known as Dissociative Identity Disorder and it’s a Military Procedure known as MK ULTRA. It can be healed and recovered from - trauma healing and appropriate depgrogramming methods are required.


*   *   *

How does it work?

Super advanced illegal technology is used to perform Remote MK Ultra Mind Control Programming. You never notice when it happens. Things are just weird sometimes. Every member has been subjected to it. What does this mean?



All of your “bad” actions and behaviors are LITERALLY THEIR LIABILITY. They are responsible for you because they FORCE you do to good or evil, depending on their agendas. This is how they shame, blame, and humiliate.



You have <almost> no free will. The technology is sophisticated enough to flip “alters” as per their needs with the use of frequencies. Theta, spiritual alters, are flipped to the “front” during church services on Sunday. This is done via frequencies and it’s done to EVERYONE. Fronting means that one alter is in control of the physical body. (add list of helpful D.I.D terms.) You will have no memories of your other “selves” or what they do with your physical body. This is why it feels incredibly helpless and debilitating.


What is MK ULTRA?

It’s a system of mind control involving excruciating pains, tortures, and traumas to create multiple personalities within one person. They then program each alter with specific functions. It is therefore imperative that everyone learns about MK Ultra, what each of the alters do/are capable of, and what methods are best for healing everyone.

MK ULTRA is comprised of Alpha, beta, chi, delta, epsilon, gamma, omega, theta, zeta programming. You may reference this website as a learning resource. I believe there would be several individuals within your organization that have detailed MANUALS that they will DISTRIBUTE to EVERYONE on what MK Ultra is, who has received what, and so forth.



What’s needed?

GRACE. Forgiveness. FORWARD FOCUS. How can we best move forward from this point onward?  


Your Leadership Team will explain these things to you FROM THE PULPIT DURING CHURCH ON SUNDAYS.  


They will explain WHY this was done to EVERYEONE.






*   *   *


LDS videos provide evidence of ongoing MK ULTRA Programming


His Grace: Finding Peace in Christ as a Single Parent. MK ULTRA programming observations: 


Eye fluttering can indicate the shift from one alter to another. Dissociation, confusion.

The children have targeting indicators (excessive physical jitteriness). One has an energy coating around him. What caused the boy to “drop” his jacket. That was targeting technology; it was forced on him an unnatural.

0:36 She wears a MOONSTONE gem and this is focused on. She’s a priestess?

How do they program THETA/ with beautiful things: rain, rainbows, gems, gemstones, lunar cycles…

“rainbows mean peace and prosperity.” What do the energies applied to the words actually do? THE OPPOSITE.

  • harmonics used are more powerful than words.

  • Excessive trauma to the child as indicated by the number of rainbow images on the fridge; notice also how he cries earlier in the video. Those are trauma tears.

2:12  The purpose of the video is to remind or enhance the mental “programming” by the repetitive image of rainbows

End on an illusory note. – thetas are subjected to a constant state of stress “never a moment to myself.”

This video also shows that MK Ultra remote leaves (almost)  no physical evidence, traces, or scars.



Returning Early from a Mission – Video Observations:


Chi programming

GREEN – dr greens programming methods.

What’s done to CHI. COLORS.

1:04-7 dissociative imaging fades into peaceful image (alter flipping)

Pen image represents how subtle information can be obtained. Where does the pen point? Can indicate the source location of energy that’s attacking.

1:22  Verses, numbers, words, phrases all provide intel and clues

Elder is a priest?

Sublet sexual imagery; suggests trauma and mind control

Birthday, candles and ritual all combine. Who destroys birthdays? The LDS does. Because it hurts the most.

(can identify their traumas more easily now)

Color of candles is green again

2:35pm 3 candles are blown out. 3 year age trauma? Is that standard procedure? 333’s are chi energy waves. They are more positive in nature.

“this is God’s will.” Guilting, shaming, blaming.

Symbols used: Dead leaf, blinds, shadow(something has been lost; you cant see what it is, entities took it.)

“yes I’ll let you in” phrase used to embed entities into trauma centers DOUBLE MEANING

‘you are the light of the world.” Nothing is needed to “enter” a human. the soul light shines through dissolving darkness.

2 great blessings: children. His child alters ? or entities.

Repetitive words used for programming “eternally” à how long entities want the human body

Hand gesture done that points fingers to the mind: they wanted control of emotional attachments.



Consent is NECESSARY from each individual before deprogramming. Complicated issue. TRUTH.  Theta/zeta – most pain.  They can decide how to best heal themselves.  ZETA PREACH, LEAD WORSHPI.




Helpful D.I.D. terms


I learned these from watching the Youtube videos:

Fronting: taking the body and being in control of actions, thoughts, activities. It can be forced on an alter when the previous one becomes triggered and then hides, or finds it self in an unmanageable situation. Suddenly you’re just “there/here” doing something.  It can be scary at times too. After a while when the alters can communicate better, it becomes easier. Sometimes a certain one comes to the front willingly, perhaps even unconsciously, for certain skills or tasks (think Math and driving). Due to age and personality differences, they'll prefer different activities.  


Flipping – or switching can occur at any moment. It can be due to triggers [negative stimulus], or just letting another alter take the front when it wants to [positive].  


Psychological deaths: when new alters are born, the previous alter has maxed out on emotional and psychological coping. They will still “front” but mostly the new alter will deal with the present set of life circumstances.  


Dead alters are ones who have died due to severe trauma. They no longer make appearances, take the physical body, nor do they participate in life in any way. They're essentially gone until intensive healing occurs for the whole person. When healing begins for a multiple, it creates emotional space for the dead alters to be brought back to life and slowly ease their accumulated pain. Dead alters can be healed; it just takes time to extract the emotions and psychologically integrate the traumas and memories. When a dead alter “comes back to life” it means they haven't been around since they “died” and they now slowly start to make appearances again and participate in activities. This can be incredibly jarring, depending on the amount of time they've been gone for. It can be grief inducing (coming to terms with things that have happened since they've left – missed life events of friends and family for example). Other alters will have been around instead, doing things with the body. [perhaps more for SRA types]


A fragment is a part with a very limited role; it was programmed for only specific things. It doesn't “front” very often or much at all. 

An introject is an alter based on another person, real or fictional. In most cases it's an unconscious response that helps with coping in a maladaptive set of circumstances.  


“who’s fronting?” is a cute way of saying hello that one youtube couple does (they’re both multiples). Each will do things differently, depending on how comfortable they feel. This can happen once both you and your partner recognize that you both have D.I.D. Awareness is helpful and useful.   

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