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Beta Farms --> The HUB

The Abbotsford HUB

Tuesday Dec. 22, 2020 11:24pm 

The Hub

This is about Handler stuff. Handlers are all MK ULTRA too so it’s humiliation and shame both ways. Front their kid alters and take some videos of them killing Negs cuz their kid alters have more dignity than them. They were often marketed by Negs and Clone 6’s so you know, what you do to others, others do to you to.



I don’t know what cities all have a “hub” as these would be common in Canada and the US. Abbotsord IS a Hub, likely for Canada and other areas. The amount of Beta Farms is obvious as you drive through the vast farm areas, they’re easy to spot (displays of wealth, buses, etc… indicators listed on the Beta Farm page). Democrat hubs center around donkey farms and use diamonds as indicators.


Topics they discuss

How to identify Betas, who has a beta alter, how to market your beta to make you more money. Beta’s in snuff, betas for remote-satellite tech-sex (bought at a price). The beta’s are usually tech-raped during the process while the john experiences a “mutual” sexual experience. Some of the illegal tech they use gives them visuals (imaging), smells, sounds (scripts pre-recorded by men with women’s voice-overs cuz no women would ever say those things to them), and physical sensations. More about tech-rapes are described on the LDS tech-rapers page in the LDS link. Many have been subjected to celibacy base-programming at attempts to recover them. [those who recover will be celibates; others will be executed.]


--> see page on Beta identifiers and protection. Mk ultra info under the MK ULTRA drop-down menu.


Also, in about a year or 2 everyone’s mk ultra status will be integrated so the beta indicators will be worthless. You can use magnets as a way to do trauma healing and self-integrating. This method is learned from The Emotion Code book by Dr. Bradely Neilson.


Other topics include: drugs - the emerald, silver and beads(?) indicators. How to market your beta for drug running and distribution, cigars and whiskey. I would imagine they tend to gamble, cheat, steal, and other illegal things. What goes on in the handler meetings? Rubies, bronze, and brass would be the prostitute indicators.


*Note: there will be continual updates until all aspects of the HUB are known and described*

Weds July 15, 2020 12:55pm - please read the update on the Abbotsford Beta Farmers page for a heads up about a 2 month prep window to "clean things up."


Abby HUB Location

Friday July 10, 2020  3:49pm

Is located in the “Wind Break” right by the Abbotsford Airport on Walmsley road. This information is new and I’m still learning about it: does it have people in cages for kitten/puppy Beta Programming? Is is where handlers like crooked cops, businessmen, beta farmers and those in “the know” purchase Beta Services? It’s very obvious to see. The entrance would likely be from one of the two Beta Farms directly across the street. One’s recently been renovated so it’s very obvious – painted in a dark blue shade. There’s a tonne of money in Pimping apparently.


These are some photos. I’ll add more as I’m able. It would be tremendously helpful if others would look into this and question people involved. I’m heavily Targeted. Little things go a long way. What have people noticed about this area? Who’s all been seen near it? Is there video that could be shared with a lot of people of handlers using the location? To those who want or are able: take video of who still uses it; it will be helpful if you do.

Peter Entwistle, a King Piece

6 clones, all MK ULTRA

6:16am Saturday July 11, 2020

For Handlers:


I think Peter Entwistle [BC HYDRO] was a big name in “the HUB.” He knew a lot of people… his 3 MK Ultra alters at the very least, tell handlers that they too have child Beta alters, just as Peter did. *time to get lots of video’s of your Beta child and have your other alters listen to the things it says. What does it do? Who does it know? Its your weakest link.* Frequencies flip alters as do sound effects on phone apps. Have fun with that.


Has there been a lot of “flipping” at HUB meetings lately? Do others tend to act weird at times? It just means that different alters are fronting and they’re unfamiliar in their surroundings.


It's also helpful to learn about How Peter & Darren Target Men as many of you were victims of theirs. Other info on Darren Entwistle, Telus CEO.

Kings & Chess

Kings were/are made by the C.I.A. --> see the Chess page for more information. People were used as per their roles. The CIA had Peter murdered cuz they owed him a tonne of money. Beta Farmers and Handlers are all chess pieces also.

Please also read through the article on GWEN transmitter removal experiments and send feedback. It's helpful to read through the Premier Horgan article too... "reverse-targeted into his position." Local constable Serr has also been mentioned (under Targeting Groups - hover for drop down menus.


The Entwistle Family - most "in the Know."

What do the Entwistle Zeta alters know about clone production? If Peter [BC HYDRO] was "king" he would have known almost everything. This means that his oldest son Darren Entwistle's Zeta alter [TELUS CEO] would also know "everything." We wrote a brief description on how they Targeted men. I think most Handlers are T.I.'s. (targeted individual phenomenon). What do they Obama clones know about clone production? Abbotsford, BC is the HUB. Somehow this connects to the US Military – SS Men production seems lined to Alaska; the Marines have been around me for a long time…

  1. MK Ultra production on Beta Farms

  2. Clones

  3. S.S. men

  4. Manchurians - wrote briefly on the Bioweapon Covid page

Maybe each farm has a unique function in all this.  


For Handlers

It might be helpful to be able to share your side of the story. How and when did you notice Peter/Darren's Targeting methods on you? What things changed about your life? When did the addictions start and how bad are they currently? You are likely T.I.'s so it's best to learn as much about their Targeting methods as possible. Things about the HUB will become public. Start your own blog/website to add clarity or whatever.

Tunnel Networks

Underground tunnels connect a vast network of areas World Wide and also in the Abbotsford area. They lead deep down into the D.U.M.B.'s or Deep Underground Military Bases. Do a quick google search for DUMBs to get a better idea of those massive disclosed facilities. There were also several pages referencing the DUMBs in the "How I Learned Disney Was Targeting Me" story PDF found on the homepage. Birds eye view maps (areal) show tunnels anywhere and everywhere (some shown below). [Mountains are discusses on the page: Secrets of the LDS Church.] Sumas area seems like a location of significant things. Also in Abbotsford there are many hollow or artificial montains in the lowlaying and (closer) surrounding areas. They hide fusion and are responsible for Military procedures that create Meta-Humans.


Tunnel Transport

Those "in the know" get around on lighted hover scooters mostly. Some similar types of technology are hover“wheels,”  segways, and hover boards (?).. There was more written on the underground tunnels on the Peter & Loretta Entwistle Page. The tunnels were dug years ago and are visible on birds-eye view maps. Some water drainage areas indicate their locations also.

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