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Tues. March 2, 2021pm 2:10pm

New: this is a new category that’s “in development” – we’ll update the content as we gain more information and correct any inaccuracies as we become aware of them. I need to make this information public to create greater understanding of what’s being done to not just my mother and I, but to hundreds of millions of women globally (beta slaves). Thetas are MK ULTRA alters and are male or female (according to their astral body designation which is seen on imaging and monitors); we write this from our own experience of being a female theta-slave with a male CIA Zeta abuser (Haspels Clone 6). This is as much as we’ve learned about the topic currently as its been done to our theta/host and my mothers theta for decades now. The CIA death-defiers are also likely a key component in theta slavery.


Agenda: for me, the boy alter, exposing the secrets of the things done by our Clone 6 abuser – former CIA Director Gina Haspel - humiliates him (male zeta John alter) but also provides an explanation of why so many types of traumas and suffering were done to my adult female alters as well as my mother.

-->  related pages: About me, My Mothers Epsilon forms


Goals of the Clone 6 Abuser: to isolate the theta-slave, remove social supports, create detrimental and damaging beliefs, so that it has nothing but the abuser to cling to. Some methods include: shaming, degrading, humiliating the theta. Showing and portraying her in a negative light to others. Making others think less of her or him. Remove all hope of a possible relationship; destroy any existing ones. Drive away all suitable partners with sabotage agendas. Keep the theta slave in the dark about any type of helpful, relevant, or useful information so that she does absolutely nothing to help herself. [what are other strategies of the Clone 6 abuser that I’m unaware of?]


Beta slaves (sex slaves) are a different but similar and related topic.  I wonder if theta slaves are a category related to the CIA death-defiers who were/are tortured by the 12(?) CIA zetas and all their clones to make a person unattractive, isolated, and unsupported. This is relevant as it correlates to the T.I. phenomenon that we spent a lot of time researching in the early months of 2020 – Targeted Individuals. This perhaps bridges some gaps between the targeted individual phenomenon and what being a CIA death-defier is about (how many death-defiers are also “theta-slaves?”). What’s distinct would be the CIA zeta handlers who derive tremendous pleasure from excessive and extreme tortures done to a person. We labeled them as “Shapeshifter replicas.” Beta slaves aren’t subjected to such extremes though often experience the same types of technological overrides, sexual pains, & degradation's.


--> related pages include: Diamond betas, Kitten programming, Beta Indicators & Protection, and the Beta Farms categories.


Motives for beta versus theta slave ownership:

Beta slavery: Financial, power, control, lust, greed. 


For theta-slaves, the motives also include sexual perversions [pleasures paired with the tortures in excesses of others -depravity] as the theta-slave Handlers in this category are high in traits of psychopathy, have severe delusions, narcissism, delusions of grandeur, and other severe mental health problems. This is primarily because of the difference between beta and theta slave is extreme and excessive amounts of suffering and torture.


This is why Handlers in the Beta slave category had more “dignity” than the severely depraved Clone 6 CIA zetas who, in addition to all things done to a beta slave, need the monitor feedback of the excessive and extreme physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tortures and sufferings their theta slaves experience. “It’s blowing up the monitors!” they’d cry and get erections or ejaculate which I’d often seen on imaging. [this was often a result of mirror-tech done to me or those Targeting me.] We used this information to severely humiliate our CIA Zeta Handler which helped to repress some of his cruel actions.


Boy, zeta, 14: Before Gina Haspel’s 2nd Execution, we were often shown her on imaging. I could often tell when the male John alter was fronted and used my self-defense measures of leaving voice memos on my phone, imagining that he could hear me. Later I think I knew that he did. Our verbal messages to our abuser by our male zeta alter humiliated him to the point where he could no longer front in his body and due to his MK ULTRA status, made him front-down continuously. We then learned that it was a survival mechanism and that Humiliation was a Weapon that we could use against him.  [boy: image of me and the CIA triad in the POW camp/nazi germany – our 2021 version has our abusers as MK ULTRA as well as the prisoners.]

--> see: Gina Haspel’s Numerous Executions, Astral Body Targeting


Beta – sex

A beta slave is usually a sex slave that has various types of mental technological controls, has been given various remote mk ultra trauma conditioning programs (is MK ULTRA), and is generally under heavy mind control, remote drugging, given Gamma/Omega, ect. Beta’s are often created through Beta Farms or Kitten/Wolf Programming and are often child alters. Handlers use gestures, signals, or technology to front the beta alters of a person, use them as desired (for personal pleasure or profit), and then memory wipe them. The Beta Farms link has more information as well as our “Disney Targeted Me” free PDF. In the Diamond beta category, bestiality plays a part as does severe sexual pain.


Theta – spiritual

A theta slave is a psychological and spiritual prisoner of a Clone 6 who subjects her to remote satellite technologies and various other things. His agenda is to isolate her from friends, family, and society. Defenseless, death-defier status numbs many of the painful physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tortures they’re subjected to. The component of the astral dimension needs to be included here as many mk ultra alters would be common in a theta-slave and the spiritual tortures, rapes, decapitations, limb and gender reassignments are what distinguish this from beta slaves. This is also why imaging is an important component as Clone 6’s use this technology to view the effects of what they do to their theta slaves – imaging shows the alter age, gender, epsilon forms and other things about a person as what’s seen on the outside for a theta-slave, is not necessarily what’s being done on the inside.


With both the beta and theta slaves, isolation and removal of emotional and psychological supports is critical to establish dependence on the abuser. Shaming, humiliations, and degradations are continual and consistent in order to remove the self-worth of the individual so that they do not seek the help or assistance needed. Sophisticated technology easily destroys the relationships they have with friends, family, or others in the community. For thetas, this would include the use of black arts to achieve this. Removal of hope is always the primary objective of their zeta handlers. (Zeta handlers is a term being used to describe the depraved corrupt 12 CIA who derived sexual pleasure from the tortures of their death-defiers. The majority of beta Handlers do not experience this.)


The Spiritual Component

Thetas versus Betas from the spiritual component. This involves the categories of the astral realm, spiritual beliefs, activities, hopes, and the use of entities and black arts. Entities and their effects on people, groups, and organizations have been known to the CIA for decades. They’ve incorporated technology, science, black arts and entities together so that much or almost all of what’s invisible can even be seen on monitors. The acoustic transmitters used several times a day directed at me is one example of this. “Push a button” and this type of entity, being, or terrifying alien will be directed at the theta-slave. Why? Continued states of fear and helplessness further entrench dependence on the abuser. The life experiences of the theta-slave become so strange and severe that no one without monitors understands what’s being done to them and it also further isolates them. Forcing entities into targets/theta slaves makes them behave in negative and detrimental ways and when done intentionally by the CIA, it’s loaded with agendas. Suddenly their friends and family think that the theta-slave is mean or vindictive when their Zeta handler gave them a high-level entity and forced specific actions to be performed via body, mind, and voice overrides.


Sorcerer-type entities – their effects and uses in theta-slaves.

I’m unaware of the real motives behind the CIA putting one of these into our theta host but it made normal life functioning impossible. We originally called this the theta-treatment entity as it seemed commonly done to thetas. Our Guru, who found us in the spiritual realm in 2016, performed many types of spiritual healings on our astral, causal, and supercausal bodies to allow for better functioning. Beyond what a person can cope with is a gross underestimation of what it felt like back then to have the sorcerer entity. [For those with access to truth-tech or other tech, transcripts kept on descriptions of the hell regions (the Vortex) where the entity takes the astral body during sleep are available.]

--> see: the CIA and entities – ectoplasms, The Omega   


Removing beliefs/hope – religion.

From observations done to our theta host by our other alters, the removal of any belief or hope in God helped to continually remove the will to live of the theta alter. For many long years she felt hated by God and paired with continual trauma aversions to anything in her Christian faith – nothing religious was possible or emotionally/psychologically allowed. Many of her family and friends are Christian and this was another way that her Zeta Handler further isolated her from social and emotional supports.


Removal of identity

(unknown to whom this is done and for what purpose– need more information on this). For years I wasn’t allowed to have a face or a name. I’m unsure what type of agenda this is but dehumanization is what it’s generally about. I’m not sure if this is done to all theta-slaves and for beta-slaves like Diamond betas, it’s the opposite. Betas are marketed for the financial profits their Handlers make and identity or __ is used to the extreme to generate illicit revenue. For theta slaves/death-defiers, the Zeta Handlers use other methods to market them for rapes that don’t include identity (false imaging is often used).


Astral devices:

These are a few of the Astral devices used on theta slaves and others (most have since been __ by the military now).

1. head box that forces the body to “float” around where the person using the remote control wants.

2. Spinal attachment – “diamonds” marketing enhancers. Make a woman more attractive for marketing to others for financial profit of the handler.

3. Others: ?


Astral Base Programming

I’ve also recently learned that base programming is given to astral bodies via reverse osmosis. This is done to control others and to make theta slaves look like they enjoy sex or that they enjoy being raped. Remember that thetas are very spiritual alters so there is always some type of manipulation occurring if they’re portrayed as sexual.


Things commonly done to theta slaves:

There are many strategic things that Clone 6’s do to their theta and beta slaves to create psychological and emotional dependence on them. Most of it is done with Targeting technologies  that operate via satellite and it’s all remote and invisible, making it almost impossible to “prove” that these things are being done to them. These are some examples:


  • Forces me to drink/swallow his seamen (done via remote satellite tech – targeters push buttons and make us swallow having no clue as to what they feed us.)

  • B.O. – pheromone transfers to the bodies of their slaves. Smells, sights, sounds would be subconsciously embedded specifically during deep trauma states when the mind is “fresh” for instructions.

  • Astral rapes

  • Stolen DNA to make a child with him (Lab kids)

  • He drinks her menstrual blood (collected via siphon device).

  • Gives us “sex pace” breathing, audio, and nasal sounds so that rape and breathing become subconsciously paired.


Abuser pairing agendas:

The theta is often made to look like a sexual addict. Pheromone pairing agendas to the abuser – smells paired with subliminal to force false “liking” of the abuser. Stockholm syndrome is usually the objective. Subliminal agendas: constant audio. Some things I hear: “oh johhny.” Sexual voice modifications and overtones. Forced eyelid blinking to synch with that of the abuser.


Clone 6 Strategies 

Our Clone 6 abuser sends targeters to (for exemple) make us pick our nose. That helpful person then thinks less of us and perhaps doesn't do xyz helpful things which does or does not have this happen which then leads to ___ severe tortures. Cumulative effect.

Boy alter to others who our Clone 6 brings to look at me (via technology). ”How many people think a Clone 6’s prisoner is “weird?” as we’re forced via targeting overrides to do things like scratch our nose, touch our genitals, and other strange things. Why does our Clone 6 abuser send targeters to make us do those weird things to our bodies? it makes others think less of us and they don’t help us.

  • social isolation agendas

  • others think less of them

  • removes self-esteem

  • kills will to live

  • prisoner mentality

  • removes hope*


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