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How L.D.S. Members Are Programmed


“How Can I Protect Myself as a Member of the LDS Church?”

6:07pm July 15, 2020

This information (all the pages in the drop-down LDS menu)  is being provided as a self-defense measure. I’m unable to stop LDS Elder Bednar from using remote satellite Targeting technology, also known as the T.I. phenomenon, on me. This information you can thank him personally for.  Please learn about MK Ultra and the T.I. phenomenon as both are done remotely via satellite technology to all LDS congregation members. Please view all the pages under the drop down LDS menus for more clarity and information. Elder Bednar should be questioned only when being subjected to "truth tech" which is deception tech in reverse. He's too deceitful otherwise.



When I first read of MK Ultra I thought it was so horrific and now Im desensitized to it all. I thought that zeta/theta combinations were the most horrible thing that could be done to people: a black arts personality and a deeply spiritual individual. This is just the reality of how horrific things have become on this planet. Please do as many spiritual protection remedies for yourself and all those around you as possible. I'm not sure how to even begin healing such a thing. There are also "worse" things I have since learned about: theta/theta combinations (Bednars page) and Meta Human experiments done with fusion thats hidden in fake mountains.


I just want to state that the Zeta alters know more than others. They dont want to tell you things because what they've been programmed to like is all criminal, horrifying, and morally bankrupt behaviour. Some specifics include pedophila, cannibalism, murders, life insurance policy fraud, deceptions, manipulations, human mean BBQs. Will this now make it easier to talk about MK Ultra in the LDS church? this was the only agenda in writing: to get people talking. its horrifying but at least its true. People need to hear true things. The child alter on Eldar Bednar is likely their greatest liability. The Zeta should keep close tabs on him... For Zeta criminal actions, liability can be sought with the CIA.


Those "in the know" flip the alters of other individuals using frequencies, sound apps or other technology. Who spends a lot of time on their phone when around others? Do they use a "clicker" device? They are manipulating others for their personal gain. This is why MK Ultra healing and integration is necessary: for people to experience dignity. Memory issues, loss of time, "forgetfulness", blanking are all indicators of MK Ultra.



Beta Marketing

(your child alter is used for sexual services that the church profits on)


Added July 1, 2020

LDS indicators for Beta services include: gold (special sexual skills), silver (prostitution), and bronze (drug mule.). Every LDS individual has a Beta (sexual) alter that is a young child age. This was done to them via remote satellite technology that has also been done to me for a prolonged time. I’m very familiar with many of the ways they create positive associates and turn them into negative or harmful ones.

TIP: do NOT wear indicators like gold, silver or bronze. They cannot market you as much if you don’t. it will save you some suffering.


“What Can I Do for My Children?”


Children are programmed with toys like teddy bears to become affectionate towards adults that use them for sexual purposes. You can be observant about who your child is most excited towards. Feelings toward a beloved toy become associated towards individuals. This is how sexual abuse goes unnoticed for so many decades; the child becomes mentally programmed to think it’s fun, it’s given positive pairing smells (like that of home cooked food), sights (on forehead screens) oh a pretty rainbow, sounds (via v2k or other methods) there were birds!, etc. during the sexual activities… it leaves the kid with almost no literal incriminating evidence as the internal world experiences something completely different from the physical reality it’s being subjected to. Listen to the choice of words your child uses to describe events they participated in with certain people. Write down some descriptions…”we ate this food… and I played wit this toy…” is this innuendo or could it be seen as such? The choice of words also indicate what type of activity was done to your child so the more familiar you become with how they describe things, the more you can learn about how they’re programmed and used.


                Everyone’s sexual alter (beta) is a young child for the very reason that they cannot accurately describe what’s being done to them. They’re intentionally confused and mislead. What’s done to your child is also done to your Beta alter. That’s why it’s so important to see how they describe things. They cannot tell that mental images aren’t reality or that overriding smells aren’t the real experience that they’re having.


Defensive Measures

Sounds and using sound apps on your phone - On a positive note, there are spiritual individuals with healing abilities available. One defensive measure you can take when you feel overwhelmed or stressed is to front alpha alters (of invisible technological attackers) by listening to sports sound effects like hockey or football or tennis for females. This technique often reduced my suffering (due to technology, they can hear and see what you see so it affects them instantly). Sounds flip alters and cruel Zeta flip into kind Alphas that will then leave or assist you. If you listen to spiritual or “holy” sounds, theta alters will front and assist you… but they may intentionally mislead you so there’s that aspect to be aware of. Please read “spiritual experiences” to have the necessary caution that’s required around spiritual things.


Some proactive measures for yourself can be taken. This is described on the page “For US Military marines” as we’ve had to become familiar with them due to our circumstances. Much of that information will apply to you as well.


Trauma healing for yourself and your children can be done using magnets. I described this in the MK Ultra manual (document in the Bulletin link) and it’s at the very end of the document. It’s from a book called The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson and can greatly speed up recovery.


Technological manipulations on Spiritual Individuals

Rainbows, enhanced feelings, sky, water, nature and elements… are all used for programming for Theta and Chi alters. (more to follow).



Please see the other pages on L.D.S. content from the drop down menus. Also, their Targeting Methods are described under the Targeting Groups link. These individuals are flipped via frequencies, similarly to how the US Military operates with their MK Ultras.


These were two short videos we watched on the LDS website and once you become familiar with MK Ultra indicators, you can then spot them in videos, tv shows and movies. There's an excellent website called Vigilant Citizen that shows you how to look for MK Ultra markers in pop culture. The Diamonds programming being referenced can be read about in the sexual addictions link (hover for drop down menu) and there are many other pages referencing the LDS church in the Manuscript; the PDF copy is on the homepage. Below is page 395.


This is also informative and helpful to learn how Christians are programmed with MK ULTRA symbolism compared to those who are absorbed in mainstream media and popular culture.


Direct links:

Chi - Returning Early from a Mission


Theta Finding His Grace as a Single Parent


How the LDS church uses Remote Technology to Attack it’s Congregation


This explains a few aspects of Targeting and the T.I. phenomenon; please become educated in Targeting as all LDS members are subjected to it. Knowing helps to make things more understandable.  Please also learn about spiritual deceptions that are used to protect yourself better.


11:52pm July 15, 2020

Observations: Imaging occurs in my head as I attempt to sleep. An imaginary scenario is shown. I hear an audio forced response. Something around a set of circumstances around friends. Now imaging shows me a photo I’ve looked at recently.

            I wondered: how does recon happen for the next days attacks? Mental raping – literally. The psychological terror and helplessness at not being able to protect or defend myself from the prolonged electronic violations of my mind, body, spiritual ect by individuals so deranged is excessive.

            “Entitlement” disorders

            “get away with murder” mentalities

            “I control” philosophies


(child’s voice heard again)

I think this is why kids, clones, androids etc are necessary (see Standard Procedures - done to leaders of large organizations) : for 24/7 attacks on others. When is there rest? They force children to be awake for these things and tell them “it’s just a game.” They child has no idea of the amount of suffering that it’s causing another human being.

            As these attacks have been occurring so regularly, I realized that this must be done to the LDS congregation regularly. I think that Zeta alters (persecutors) do this to theta, chi, and epsilon alters. It creates a continual state of stress and distress so that evil people can keep getting away with their criminal activities. There are reasons for why good people have been made to suffer for so long.

            It seems like one of the only solutions at this point is to remove technology from those in “power” (delusion). This would ensure the well being of the most amount of people. I hear “show her a nice picture” imaging changes to spiritual themes. Constant blasts in ear drums go on in the internal head space for hours and hours on end.


Earlier in the day I heard what sounded like Bednars child alter say: “we broke her.” and he seemed enthusiastic about the result. This indicated to me that there must be monitors where the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of a person are literally visible, despite the outward appearances of… “normal” I’m forced into. They also have a “happyface” technology that forces smiles on my alters. Its beyond bizarre to make a tortured person smile and say lies (read the Obama page for a description on how he also does that to women he tortures.) . This is just what’s being done to me. At least now I know, the truth is actually apparent to some on some forms of technology.


There’s literally no break from distress as the electronic “rolodex” forces another individual to attack me via remote technology round the clock. The sensory overwhelm is exhausting. I’m grateful that maybe one or two people from the LDS church might start to learn some true things from all of my suffering.


LDS – How Zeta alters Normalize sex with adults for children and child alters

9:39pm July 17, 2020

As I listen to the LDS children make comments, I realize that this is how they program them: usually adults have sex at night. “they just making funny noises” the kids are told – the automated voice instructs the child using Targeting software. This gives the child audio and visual imaging of a persons private space. The child views them changing, having a shower, and is forced to watch married adults have sex. It’s told to “push certain button” to give the woman arousal, make bubbles come out of her vagina, and other strange things. Why would this need to be manipulated on a human beings body via remote satellite technology, by child alter no less? This was also done to CIA controlled child alter Jeffery Entwistle who "ran" the Beta Farm operations with A.I. assistance. There are specific "kid versions" of Targeting software (green button) where children, who dont understand what they're actions are really doing, are torturing and killing unsuspecting people in their own homes. This is what we learned from the BC Hydro/Enwtistle Targeting situation.

                Perhaps because theta, or spiritual alters, are normally very sex-less and prefer quite time alone rather than intercourse. The Zeta alters “help” them to get in the mood. It goes unnoticed because everyone has a child alter until they die, even 70 or 90 year olds. It seems strange that an actual child would watch adults having sex but if the child is in a 40 year old body its less strange. What has MK Ultra done to the LDS church, spirituality, and sexual behaviour? Theres also a “sequence of events” where a woman feels sexually assaulted. Why and how does such a thing exist? Why would it be done to Church people? Maybe the Zeta need to start telling the Theta, Chi, Epsilon, Alphas, and other’s what REALLY goes on. Zeta “know” things – the hows and whys and are reluctant to share because it incriminates them as pedophiles, cannibals, perverts, inscest and all those similar kinds of things. (Please read Secrets of the LDS church for more infor).

                Is it the theta that give the false spiritual experiences? Suddenly, via remote EEG cap (invisible and used on everyone) I smelled Sandalwood incense that came from no where. Fake spiritual experiences are programmed, technological, and deceptive.

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