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For Targeters --> Resources for Targeters

Resources for Targeters


6:27pm July 24, 2020 I've learned that those sent to Target me are also Experiments of Gina Haspel, CIA. You're not liable for your crimes or actions. Please look into this matter. I think she has information on the location of the Bioweapon Covid antidote.


4:35pm July 17, 2020

Today we learned that the CIA Targets other Targeters. Those notes can be read on our iphone photo/notes. This list includes: police officers, military personnel, LDS Church individuals, POTUS, Beta Farmers, Disney, and others. Please refer to “Standard Procedures” under the military drop down menu, for a bit more detail. The CIA is liable for Targeter’s Crimes. They made you into MK Ultra; its worth looking into the legal ramifications for your own protection.


Group CIA Lawsuits

We will also now be focusing our efforts to establish a group(?) lawsuit against CIA Director Gina Haspel for privacy and human rights violations, tortures and traumas & confinement would be an understatement, we dont yet have the legal term for what she does to a group, they could easily find reasonable cause. Prosecute to the full extent of the law. They'll use your Zeta's dirt to blackmail but they're the ones that made the Zeta. Liability issues. The CIA would have to heal all those Targeters from MK Ultra to resolve this issue; the use and manipulate the child ones the most.






















July 2, 2020 11:19am


The objective in writing this is for me to experience technological relief. What are my options? If I make the criminal actions of those attacking me with remote satellite Techolology public, they just attack me more. So what else can I do to get them to stop hurting me? New angle: How do I help them?


Some sources of Targeting for me include: LDS church, US Military, Battlegroup, BC Hydro/Telus - Entwistles, Beta Farmers, CIA, Disney (several)… etc. Some of this information needs to be somewhat varied as per the source so use whatever is most helpful for you.


  1. We’re all MK Ultra

    1. ID card

    2. Force-fronting sounds

    3. Beta vulnerability

  2. Tech that controls you

  3. Legal options



We’re all MK Ultra.

The more you can integrate your own MK ULTRA, do trauma healing and have visual reminders of that for yourself, the better off  you will be. Make you own ID card and have a few in places that you can see often.


Learn your force-fronting sounds. This might be easier to do if you have something written down in front of you to see describing what you’re doing so that when your other alters front, they know what’s expected. There are heavy amnesia walls for a reason. You can also do this with a friend (which might be a lot easier).


Many have a young(?) Beta alter and it’s a high priority to a) understand and learn what it does b) figure out who has access to it or c) trauma heal it as a priority so it can integrate with your other alters. This would be to remove it as a vulnerability so you have greater control over what happens to your body.  (Integrating feels like a part of you blends nicely together. It’s not scary; it feels like when a raindrop lands on a puddle. You don’t lose who you are but gain the best parts of the two alters that merge. The knowledge and memories become shared.


Technological Controls

From what I’ve learned so far, there are definitely aspects of technological control over you. They are often used on your child alters to Target others on “kid friendly” software versions like the Green Button that some have. For military, I understand that you're subjected to hive mind or various forms of A.I. control. This removes your free will and there are legal options for that.  It's worth looking through some of the Legal Action Bulletins in the Bulletins link that have been made available.


Look into Legal Options

For many, this is just too humiliating. Its unfortunate as you have the ability to perhaps set a new legal president for MK Ultras and exoneration from their crimes. You would have the financial means to do this whereas others would not. It’s a gross Human Rights Violation that you’ve been subjected to; the shame is that of the organization that did this to you, not you. Its expected that Zeta would commit crimes due to the Base Programming they’re given. Your entire lives have been wasted focusing on others. You’ve lost your freedom. Who would you have been without MK Ultra programming or Base Programming or technological controls? What kinds of things would you have done?

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