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The CIA --> CHESS --> The Chess Board

The Chess Board
by the CIA


Friday Dec. 25, 2020

Boy, zeta, 14.

Who created the CHESS method? My female alter is being given a distraction base programming to idealize a situation that isn’t possible. So… after clueing in that it’s happening, I wondered what a better action was?


CIA strategies.

Everyones’a chess piece and zetas suffer the most cuz they’re all made to hate each other. Get a printed schedule from the truth-tech – what’s the CIA’s schedule for everyone today? This week? Who’s going to be given base programming? When? What lies will they be told?


Sabotages to Remove Helpful ones:

Helpful people are good but essentially become chess pieces themselves, or they get humiliated, degraded, shamed, etc. Regardless, the situation doesn’t move forward without them.


The Psych component is most important it seems, due to high amounts of deception and UNinformation that’s being done. Most people are deceived in general, and ironically now, clones 4-6’s are most uninformed about all the new changes that have happened.


Relevant info

The CIA supercomputer (do other supercomputers have this too?) has a “Gina Chip” [that’s been programmed by former CIA Director Gina Haspel] that sends out deception messages to Targeters at regular intervals (this is as best as I understand it). That’s why knowing its schedule is important.



Thank you to all who are involved and who stay involved, knowing that it’s a humiliating, degrading, and shameful endeavor. What’s helpful? Knowing that at the end, the people who will be left standing are ones who will fully know and understand how difficult it was. It will all be viewed from the spiritual perspective of “duty.” We did what we could when we knew how.


How do we get off the CIA’s chess board? Everyone is a friend; no one is an enemy. We’ve all been used and lied to. There’s no exception. [if there is no one willing to target, there’s no suffering. Targeters have access to truth-tech so use it frequently. Targets do not. Some do but those are different ones.]


--> what’s the agenda? Everything is taken out of context for deception purposes. What’s the bottom line? Diffuse hatred and things are easier to deal with.



Targeters as a Resource [Targeter Non-liability page]

Once they learn about how things are changing they become helpful. <mind blanked>

All are lied to in order for them to torture innocent CIA targets. In order to survive in the world that’s becoming, they need to continually give themselves base programming reversals. They can use the schedule or try to program pleasant base programming that’s given to them at half hour intervals (I would do this to myself if I was able, to make surviving easier). 

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