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The CIA --> Death-defiers --> Death-defier Conference

Death-defier Conference


Updated: Sun. Jan. 31, 2021  2:46am


Then I was thinking about things that we might have in common and wondered about having a Convention or Symposium for Death-defiers and who else might be interested in attending something like that?  The D.C. police (and some other groups) use the truth-feature on the Supercomputer to get answers (motives, intentions, desires Monitors ) to this really quick. Some wouldn't want to but about 400 of us would want to attend some type of meeting when recovered. (things to plan, look forward to, and hope for )


Would other groups be interested in hearing about these things? How do death-defiers connect to Standard Procedures and Originals?



I wondered about things we would discuss if and when everyone was fully recovered and given living arrangements and family healings, ect. and such.

  1. our experiences with Shapeshifters

  2. were the US Marines used on all the Death-defiers? (boy, 14, zeta: how about imaging of the Missile impaling my body? or when the nuclear weapon was deflected?)

  3. Negs

  4. Epsilon stories :-)

  5. experiences with Positive beings

  6. Spiritual experiences or spiritual-tech experiences (from the CIA Supercomputer)

  7. the Heros!!! I would personally love to hear some stories from the men who did the Yagna experiments. Obviously they’ve been heavily targeted for doing so but they should most definitely be recognized and given something.

    1. Death-defier gratitude’s for removing the Shapeshifters!!

    2. Also, speakers from the D.C. police would be cool too!

    3. I wondered if President Trump would also want to speak; his prolonged experience with the Negs & Shapeshifters would be really helpful to know about.

    4. I wonder if Saints from the Spiritual Science and Research foundation would also like to attend? Many of them did remedies on our behalf to reduce our suffering.


  • what are other topics that could discussed that would be helpful?

  • Kids, kid alters, and the Military betas? Who would it be helpful for?


An Epsilon Imaging Display

Perhaps from those who are ok with sharing their Epsilon Imaging with others, there could be a (modest/tasteful) display of some of the Epsilon forms that were created? I would love to look through this.


Meta-human artwork

Photos, artwork, paintings depicting meta-humans, death-defiers or manifestors might be lovely to have displayed. The one photo I found online on the Death-defiers page is incredibly beautiful and I wonder how many others have lovely artwork they’d like to showcase? The themes around frogs are important as the frog symbolism (and other aspects I’m unaware of) are used in the Fusion center tubes when a death-defier is created (has the process done). I’m not sure why frogs were used for death-defiers but may have something to do with their regenerative capabilities.


Video Ideas

Videos or imaging and audio stream (and all the base programming uppers :P)  of some of the Neg battles, or the highlights of them would be phenomenal. I give permission to share any of the imaging/audio that I was shown as some of it was truly phenomenal: the 2 minutes it took the Android to have the remaining Neg races annihilate themselves was unbelievable. The 30 second clip of our Subtle-sorcerer attacking us in the Heavenly realms (might be too horrifying but… demonstrates its power.) The moment when the Senator used an acoustic transmitter to send Reptilians at the Grey ships! Highlights of the Shapeshifter battle (The Locator saying: "there are no more Shapeshifters... none seem to be found. There are no Shapeshifter in existence." <wept tears of joy>.) and video of the DC cop when Gina Haspel was arrested: “you’re looking at your penis on a monitor!” Perhaps some of the executions of the Gina Haspel clones would be good for others to witness? The 2nd is pretty memorable when her group found out it was all just a personal agenda. Some Shapeshifter humiliations might be good to include.



The stories, observations, experiences of all the D.C. Police who were involved in some of the interviews, reverse abductions, base programming trials and experiments, spiritual-technological experiences and other cool things. :-). Personal experiences of some of the death-defiers would be nice to hear about.



I think 2 weekends were tentatively booked for this at a large hotel (unsure where). More info will be shared as I become informed.


Child Care

6:20am Sun Feb. 21, 2021 

If this is held over a weekend, we’ll need a location that offers services for children. Perhaps something with child-minding and/or fun activities also. Likely a hotel area perhaps with family type facilities.

  • Lab kids – our children may all “know” each other to some extent; as per their rescue and current rehabilitating


* due to sabotage agendas, some may feel overwhelmed with this information. Most will want their kids after they’ve had adequate time to heal, recover, and do normal things. Your future needs are being taken care of is what’s meant to be communicated.


Some groups might organize this for us and send out invites in the mail. The Supercomputer has lists of everyone and such :-).

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