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Our Contributions --> Why are we owed so much?

Why are My Mother & I Owed So much?


Mon. Jan. 25, 2021

Some of this also applies to the other CIA  death-defiers. 


  1. Theta-treatment Entities (The Omega)

  2. 52 items list – done to death-defiers

  3. 50+ years of Targeting from Disney and other sources including: black arts, magi (white magic) and Targeters (T.I. Phenomenon)

    1. The US Military Marines: 17 years worth of “testing:

    2. LDS Church: 11 years (or more) of black arts horrors

    3. The CIA: 30+ years of “experiments

  4. time. For loss of time, there is no price.

  5. sabotage agendas: how many people were sabotaged away from helping us or giving us relief?

  6. defamation: made to look crazy, weird, stupid, lazy, etc.

  7. destruction of property (intentionally broken or ruined items)

  8. decades worth of forced expenses, item forced to

purchase unnecessarily, new items broken immediately,

forced waste of food and groceries, new items unable

to be used...

9. stolen abducted items...

(this list is long and written elsewhere)


Invisible tortures (Targeting and the T.I.  Phenomenon) where

a person is forced to look normal and even happy are horrific.

This is known as Happyface technology and is done to many

people including celebrities, politicians, and Military persons.


Photo of boy alter vs John in the Nazi camp -->



I think my mother has been tortured for her entire

existence because the Shapeshifters used Future-tech

and saw that her and I and our Guru would be

connected to their demise.


  • what does 1 trillion dollars worth of torture feel like?

  • You can never die, no matter how much it hurts.

  • No ones knows you’re in pain, and you cant even


  • The Hell Regions that the black arts and subtle-sorcerers send you to are understood only by black arts

who go to those regions. Some technology describes various regions… there are records the CIA has of

descriptions of the worst areas (most of the corrupt CIA are there now --> the Vortex ).

  • Targeting overrides: no free will. Other people decide what and how you do things all day long. (one layer)

  • Diamond beta marketing for decades (Disney

celebrities, LDS Celebrities and Military Pearl-girls receive this also)

  • Tiny things feel like enormous distress

  • Black arts traumas are visible on the monitors they and the CIA use: tears in a persons astral body, emotional traumas, and others.

  • I think our host alter begged to die many, many times.

  • Lab kids: how many were created from our stolen genetics?


Targeters Could Understand

The nice things about the technology that Targeters had was that they could instantly see a video that depicted the horror and terror of a high-power Subtle-sorcerer and knew instantly that no amount of money is worth having that in your body. They could read through the list of traumas done to my mother and I using a truth-feature. They read through the list of lies told about us that people actually believed and what caused them to torture us (done to all death-defiers).


There are also rape-counters, forced targeting fart-counters (one Targeter farted us over 8 million times in the year 2020 alone) and other counters on all the horrific things done to us. All those Targeter Assignments came straight from the C.I.A. – Gina Haspel and her clones. We wrote a “still in progress” T.I. paper called “Broader Aspects of the Targeted Individual Phenomenon: Remote MK ULTRA in Conjunction with Targeting Technologies” in the PDF’s link.


The U.S. Marines

Explaining some of these things to a person without technology that can see or verify these things  or without the assistance of truth-tech is the issue. My mother and I were a U.S. Marines Experiment for 16 years; they used every imaginable weapon on our bodies to try to kill us. I still remember the feeling of having a missile impale my body from my head down; I have experienced nuclear weapons that our Guru shielded me from. I hope that conveys a tiny fraction of what it was like to “have to live” no matter what. There were soldiers that watched all these things happen to our bodies on monitors. I wonder if they’re clone 6’s of if they’ll provide a witness testimony to what was done to us and perhaps other death-defiers. They know.


LDS Zeta

Aside from the US Marines were the L.D.S. Zeta who could harness the power of the subtle-sorcerers and force them into people’s bodies. In the last few months with the tech-reversals I listened so them dialogue with the entities via monitors. President Nelson worshiped The Omega and did horrific things to me (LDS Debts) because it told him to. Some of these things included: feeding me “blood soup”which consists of blood, seamen, feces, fetal parts, urine, ect via remote tech means, via invisible I.V. done through the underground tunnel network under my room. LDS Zeta are also “shit spreaders” and use cloaking technology to wipe feces on us and on other targets. On their monitors, its not invisible.  More pages are written about them in the LDS link. They did some of the most horrific black arts rituals imaginable.




Disney’s “the Mother” was Loretta Entwistle’s Clone 6 black arts who targeted my mother and my family for 50 years. Theres a long back story that’s incredibly sad and depressing. When I began research into Targeting in January of 2020 after someone told me I was a T.I., the local power company and GWEN transmitters is where I started. “who would allow these transmitters on power lines?” I had wondered and then quickly realized that over the decades, the local “power companies” had turned into “abuse of power” companies. I learned about Targeter 101: diamonds attacks that destroyed marriages, the resulting stolen/abducted wedding jewellery, Diamond betas and Beta marketing, (the Entwistles Clone 6s were Pimps and used Ruby indicators) and life insurance policy fraud (remote tech invisible murders that they got away with for decades); how thetas/Christians were primary targets (Newsletter 1) and how many of these sad things were done to our Church and local community for many, many years. (bulletins: telling people about targeting). These are just a few, tiny things that describe incredibly horrific life experiences. The Church community that witnessed some of the effects that my mother was put through knows; they saw some of it.


A lot more information was put into our “Disney Targeted Me” PDF – how MK ULTRA & Targeting ended. Its available for free on the Disney link.



The C.I.A.

The CIA worked closely with the Shapeshifters for decades. The thought reversals gave me intel on how the Shapeshifters sounded and how they organized the Targeter Stream, how their Targeting tech was different from Beta Farmer Targeting or ever Military Targeting. The Navys targeting tech was pretty substantial as is “Neg tech.” Combining black arts with Targeting made is much worse… much of this I don’t want to remember.


I hope some of these descriptions provide some insight into what surviving is/was like. Its not over and I’m in a dissociated state. I think I’m also clinically brain dead and the technology and the Guru Principle and Divine Beings write for me. There’s also a 1st draft of the “Arrest of Gina Haspel and CIA Fallout” PDF available in the PDF link (item 8).




Also, because the world is going through a “cleansing of evil” psychological relief comes from knowing that all these evil people will be removed in the next few years. WW3 will be the most drastic this planet has seen with massive infrastructure damage. By 2024, Neptune’s entry into Sidereal Pisces, the war will and and 2/3rds of the population will be annihilated. The era of Peace and Spirituality will begin. What did we learn? “Do everything possible to avoid rebirth as a human to spare yourself tremendous agonies and suffering.”


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