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Learning How to Identify the Beta Farmer that Attacks You




Over the course of a few days I made some observations that I believe belong to one specific farmer. These are known as INDICATORS and help to IDENTIFY PERPETRATORS.


Friday may 15, 2020


  1. Thought listening – they need some type of feedback initially to begin behaviour and thought modification

  2. constant prerecorded audio phrases. These are heard repetitively and usually have to do around themes that create aversions to spiritual things. “God hates…” is used constantly. It goes without saying that a sexual pervert would want to turn a spiritual person into an object so this is one method they go about it. Thetas (church goers) are their primary targets for MK Ultra/beta slave programming. They are highly motivated to creating aversions towards positive spiritual things and God in general.

  3. they use God as a source of blame for their evil and criminal actions


10:14am Book title from grade 8/9 was heard in my head. They use it as a time reference, possibly to flip alters. “All Quiet on the Western Front.” How long has this specific farmer been targeting me? Perhaps years… the swass is a sweaty feeling under the breasts that doesn’t go away even with showering. This suggests either black magic or technology.


While showering I noticed that some things were being inserted into the bum. This must be a focal point for this individual. Anus obsessed. There were more repetitive phrases: “the Distress is Severe” ohh, so he has been here long. That phrase was dominant throughout the previous year. I believe this is how he is feeling.


While writing notes there’s a tech screen that appears like a thin transparent film to create distortions and blocks to reading.


There were images in my mind from the tech screens. These serve a few purposes:

  1. make a person look crazy by having them belive things that aren’t true

  2. mislead a person

  3. create deceptions, blame others


These are Beta Programming indicators.


He also did “touch rage” to my fingers. This indicates a kkk connection via Gamma & Omaga Programming. This famer could also have remote MK Ultra capabilities. There were song phrases repeated a few times when I woke up. Songs are used as triggers and memory reminders to either forget things or do things.

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