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Beta Farms --> Handler Humiliation

Handler Humiliation


This page contains attempts to reduce the sense of entitlement that many Handlers seem to have. No worries, sound apps can front their Beta (child) alters, which they ALL have as well. We're all MK Ultra in 2020. The page on Force-fronting sounds is under the MK intro drop-down menu.


9:12pm Aug 17, 2020

Being a Handler is Shameful

Some Zeta alters (cuz.. we’re ALL MK ULTRA) think they’re special because they know how to front a woman’s (or mans) beta/child alter and have sex with it. Know that this takes incredibly special skills: you push buttons on sound apps usually.  “meow” or “wolf cry” fronts many beta kids. (LDS or Disney sounds – force-fronting ones I’m unfamiliar with.) then, out of sheer humiliation of their pathetic sexual skills, they front the person back to their ___ alter who has no idea that their beta kid was raped.


Notches on bedposts are about how many kid alters they’ve assaulted and raped.


Most normal guys can walk into a club and take a woman home. For handlers, their extra privileges turn them into pedophiles, and make them use hand signals, frequencies, or sound apps to front kid alters on people.  (because they couldn’t make a normal woman scream if they tried.)


“I’m a total loser and only have sex with betas.” Most adults know how to do adults things with other adults.


“I have privileges; I have sex with kids.” “Adultery is my favorite pastime.” "humans are just objects to me."


It helps to remind “Handlers” that they also have a child alter. The Force-fronting sounds page gives some sound options to try. Take some video of their child alter and show it to them.


Zeta's are actually incredibly lonely; which is why they often need to resort to f*ck*ng children.



It will be a NATIONAL HOLIDAY -->  Your turn for shame


Handlers -->  only like women that have been fucked by horses and donkeys first. How big does she need to BE?!



"Cure The Handler" Method


Earlier in our story, “Cure the Handler” was done to Danny Arts, the Love Drug lure [E.U. Battlegroup/EUROCORPS division] who’s Theta alter became addicted to drugging and raping women. They didn’t know how to deal with him anymore and he’d become a problem for them. So what did Disney do: they forced him to have sex with a woman he wasn’t attracted to while THEY ALL WATCHED. Excessive shaming. He also was forced to listen to their audio commentary during the experience: “go buddy!” and “ok, finish”. He was given a forced erection via the Targeting tech they use.  He suddenly became asexual. Have we forgotten, Disney, who you really are?



What Has MK ULTRA Done for Humanity?


MK ULTRA = shame for both HANDLER and SLAVE       

Time --> Public awareness  --> visible Indicators,

Does MK Ultra benefit anyone?



What does MK Ultra do in the end? The handler becomes a slave to his obsession, the MK ultra slave. “I CONTROL” reverts and the slaves holds all the power. They feel helpless to even leave it alone. It’s completely beyond their mental, physical, and emotional ability to forget the slave for even one day.


MK Ultra is a liability for the Military because frequencies can flip alters. This means that all of their high tech expensive equipment is at incredible risk by any individual, like Zeta perhaps, who are hell bent on creating destruction as they’ve been programmed to do. Their slaves seem to want to get rid of them, as per their programming.


As with targeting technology, MK Ultra is MIND CONTROL and therefore the actions of the MK Ultra “slaves” are, in reality, those of the handlers and programmers. They are fully and completely liable for all the behaviours of MK Ultras.


When handlers are easily identified by their energy, demeanor, and obvious indicators, they are shamed into being “one of those” that needed to torture a human being just to get someone to “like” them. It’s shame for both. That’s why this agenda is pushed on the human race by entities and beings: it’s a form of suffering where by neither party wins. What happens? Handler and slave both lose freedom, dignity, and grace.


What do humans really want? Freedom, peace, love, kindness, respect for fellow man. What do most human men want? The love of a good woman. Humans enjoy pleasant pastimes with family and friends; picnics, hunting, fishing, camping. What happened to basic human rights?


Focus outward must turn to focus inward. What used to be fun? Where is joy? Where is laughter? Where is happiness?



Betas - Sexual Alters

It's all illusion, it's all a lie. No matter how many times you force them to perform the sexual acts, they will never want you, they will never enjoy you, it's all just "pretend."  To the handlers, on some level, it must be incredibly humiliating to resort to this. A man of dignity has a woman that has chosen him. "I rape women on the regular" but it's not really rape because i just shock their memories into oblivion.



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